The Never Ends Story

Hello! Never Ends was born and raised in the sunniest corner of Portugal, natural lighting is a core element of our brand, as are simplicity and elegance. We are committed to delivering quality and ensuring your occasion is recorded in the best way possible.



Martha & Troy

We met Martha & Troy through a photo session in the Sintra mountains. It was really magical. We met them again at their wedding in the Estoi Palace and it's hard to explain, so we'll leave you with this video, which is easier than words.


About us

  • Design

    “I like to say that I was born with a vein for creativity, putting ideias into action has always been a big dream. Through Never Ends I intend to contribute in the best way to expressing the happiness of those who come to us”.

  • Photographer

    “I always valued memories and the possibility of keeping an image for eternity. Facil expression, movement, light… They all tell a story that, when well captured, you can live forever.